Hahnemühle Photo Rag matte paper

Fine Art Printing

Artists widely choose archival prints for their exceptional quality and long-lasting visual appeal. These prints use acid-free materials, pigment-based inks, and precise color calibration to reproduce artwork with enduring beauty and resistance to fading. The result is highly sought-after prints cherished by artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts.

Dog photo printed on Hahnemühle paper
Beagle wall art

For my printing needs, I opt for Hahnemühle Photo Rag matte paper, made by a German manufacturer. This paper is considered by many to be the best in the world due to its 100% cotton composition and soft texture. It has a gently defined felt structure that gives artwork a heightened visual depth and a three-dimensional appearance. Additionally, this timeless, acid-free and lignin-free paper is highly resistant to aging and can preserve the artwork for a lifetime.

To learn more about Hahnemühle Photo Rag, visit https://www.hahnemuehle.com/endigital-fineart/fineart-media/matt-fineart-smooth/p/Product/show/8/1.html

Dog photo printed on Hahnemühle paper


The frame is constructed from Poplar wood, a hardwood variety commonly utilized in the creation of furniture, cabinetry, and plywoods. It features a lacquer-based paint coating for a medium-gloss finish and increased durability against chipping.

Dog photo on a wood frame